How Can a Polygraph Exam Help You?

What do you think of when someone mentions a polygraph exam? For most people, their only point of reference is a scene from a detective movie or true crime documentary! You may be picturing a dark little room with complicated machinery and lots of wires and graphs! However, the reality is that polygraph examinations in Knoxville, Tennessee, are not only available to law enforcement! Most of our clients are ordinary people just like you who want to get to the bottom of some kind of falsehood in their lives. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that polygraph examinations in Knoxville, Tennessee, could be helpful for you!

What is a Polygraph Exam?

A polygraph exam, also known as a lie detector, is a scientific test that measures physiological symptoms in order to determine if a person is lying. When we lie, our bodies respond in several physical ways including increased blood pressure, faster heart rate, and more perspiration. hen it is conducted under the correct conditions, by a qualified polygraph examiner the test is around 99.9% accurate. Each of the tracked physiological symptoms is represented on a series of line graphs which are interpreted by the examiner to determine the result. When looking for polygraph examinations in Knoxville, Tennessee, it is important to choose a reputable examiner with strong credentials as the accuracy of the test depends on the examiner having the experience to properly interpret the collected data. If you choose Kendall Investigations, you will have the peace of mind that you are in expert hands. Kendall Shull is the only person in the world who has earned a Masters of Science degree in Polygraphy and was formerly head of the FBI Polygraph program in Washington DC.

Let’s explore some of the reasons you may need to seek out polygraph examinations in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Pre-employment Screening

While the Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) stops most private employers from making use of polygraph exams as part of their pre-employment screening process, there are exemptions for certain industries including government departments, security firms, and pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors. However, even within these exempt categories, the tests must be conducted under the appropriate conditions using qualified polygraph examiners.

Solving Retail Theft

While polygraph may not be permissible for some employers as pre-employment screening, polygraph examinations in Knoxville, Tennessee, can be used to test employees who are suspected of theft resulting in economic loss or injury to the employer. The retail industry in particular loses substantial profits every year because of shoplifting and theft by employees. It also creates an undesirable culture of disloyalty and mistrust among staff. It can be beneficial to use polygraph examinations in Knoxville, Tennessee, to get to the root of the problem when you suspect one of your employees of theft. As with pre-employment polygraphs, it is important to adhere to the guidance set out by the EPPA.

Address Fears of Adultery

One of the most common reasons why people come looking for polygraph examinations in Knoxville, Tennessee is suspicions of infidelity in their relationship. Nothing kills a relationship faster than distrust, so sometimes the only way to move forward when one partner has been unfaithful is to lay all your cards on the table and start fresh. However, it can be difficult to do that if you don’t know whether you have the whole truth. A polygraph exam is a great way to make sure you have all of the facts. We have performed polygraph tests to determine whether or not someone is cheating and we have also administered tests designed to confirm that they have shared everything about their past infidelity and have no more surprises lurking in the closet! It is also common for us to work with relationship counselors to help couples rebuild their relationships.

Clearing Your Own Name

Sometimes, polygraph examinations in Knoxville, Tennessee are not used to uncover a lie, but to prove someone is telling the truth. It is not unusual for clients to approach us in order to clear their own name after being accused of something they have not done. This can range from accusations of adultery and unacceptable parenting decisions to substance abuse and misconduct at work. If you know you are being honest, but those around you won’t accept your word, presenting them with a polygraph test that you have passed with flying colors can help change their opinion - and it will make you feel pretty good about yourself too!

If you are in need of polygraph examinations in Knoxville, Tennesse, Kendall Investigations is here to help. We handle every case with discretion and integrity. We have the skill and the experience to help you uncover the truth you need.

Uncover the truth!


Ken Shull served as a Special Agent with the FBI for almost 25 years and was head of the FBI Polygraph program until his retirement in 2001. At that time he set up the Kendall Investigations practice as a private investigator in Knoxville, TN offering Polygraph services, private investigations, and security guards. Ken is a member of the American Polygraph Association and The American Association of Police Polygraphists.

The Truth is Still the Truth Even if No One Believes it, A Lie is Still a Lie Even if Everyone Believes it.